Food is central to human condition for a variety of reasons including physiological and health requirements. Agriculture, by mastering food production, marked what is commonly known as “civilization” and largely attached humans to their habitat. For over a century, humans have steadily mastered their knowledge and power over means of production, science, health and safety, industry and technology.
To this day, however, poverty and hunger remain a sad reality, a prevailing feature of the planetary landscape especially in developing countries. Such is the human collective failure in tackling the MOST basic human right, THE RIGHT TO FOOD. There appears to be no end in sight to the prevailing hunger affecting over 800 million humans. Why such hunger at such magnitude and so chronically?
The truth is that the reasons for food insecurity are historic, financial and structural in nature. Indeed, the way food systems are articulated, policy options adopted be in farming, crop selection, stapling, cattle management, trading, funding, training, all explain the prevailing food insecurity especially in low-income countries. Current geopolitical developments have propelled food and nutrition insecurity center-stage as a global security challenge.
We wanted to do something about it starting at the foundation: Education. Our NGO is a Swedish organization with presence and alliances in Africa. It serves as catalyst for the promotion of agriculture knowledge-sharing and vocational training as key to fighting Africa’s food and nutrition insecurity on the longer term. It is slow process occurring in a modest, incremental fashion: one farmer, one student at a time.
Pictures from the MOU Summit in Dakar, Sénégal on 29 May 2024
We place African youth at the center of a novel knowledge exchange and delivery system;
In furtherance of food security and nutrition, our Programs are structured around three main areas:
(1) Education and in-field Training,
(2) Data collection, sharing, processing and monitoring, and
(3) Access to capital and support for small to medium farming endeavors
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
Why do the babies starve There’s enough food to feed the world
Hunger is not a charity issue, but a social justice issue.
I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds, and dignity, equality, and freedom for their spirits.
The war against hunger is truly mankind’s war of liberation.
The international community must offer short-term emergency measures to meet critical needs. But it must also make longer-term investments to promote food production and agricultural development, enhance food security, and maintain momentum.
The world needs to tap into the talent and wisdom of women. Whether the issue is food security, economic recovery, health, or peace, the participation of women is needed now more than ever.